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Welcome to Nexus World of We Are Tibia, a unique event where you can test your leveling and battle skills like you never imagined. Create a character, join a guild and fight to earn Nexus points. After 30 days, the 3 guilds with the highest number of points will receive the corresponding prizes.
- Fresh start: Everyone starts from level 8.
- LOTS of prizes (transferable to Global Server).
- Your character and your bounties will be saved and transferred into the
global Server.

1. There will be 5 diamond island events, each Sunday at 22:00 CEST

2. First guild which manage to kill diamond nexus will be rewarded with 5000 WAT POINTS and the event will be repeated 5 times on:

  • June 28th, 2020
  • July 5th, 2020
  • July 12th, 2020
  • July 19th, 2020
  • July 27th, 2020

    3. Characters will be transferred to Global World after 30 days.

    Guild rewards:
    Guilds with the highest amount of mastery points after 30 days will be rewarded with:
    1st place:

  • 10.000 points.
  • Each guild member will receive an exclusive showoff box, containing a unique - obtainable only during tournament showoff skin usable at Global World.

  • Each guild member will receive 6.000 reborn tree points, usable in Global World server.

  • 2nd place:
  • 5.000 points.
  • Each guild member will receive 4.000 reborn tree points, usable in Global World.

    3rd place:
  • 2.500 points.
  • Each guild member will receive 3.000 reborn tree points, usable in Global World.

    The prize will be split equally between the leader and 4 vice leaders.

    If there is only 1 team fighting for the nexus (no other guilds participating) the prize will
    be half of the total nexus prize for that day

    Players rewards: 
    1st place:
  • The Player with the highest amount of mastery points will receive:
  • 9.000 reborn tree points, usable in Global World.
  • Exclusive, obtainable only during tournament Plague Doctor skin. 

    2nd place:
  • The Player with the second highest amount of mastery points will receive 5.000 reborn tree points.

    3rd place:
  • The Player with the third highest amount of mastery points will receive 2.500 reborn tree points.


    Main privilege of being guild member:
    1. Experience +5%
    2. Killing enemies rewards you with experience
    3. Killing enemies rewards you with mastery points
    4. You can kill other guild members without punishments - no skull / no frag 
    Note: If you do not form part of a guild you will be missing on all of these extras.

    PvP-E Guild Rules
    PvP-E Guild Rules
    1. When creating a guild that means you are (you and your guildmates) signed up for war. No
    declarations of war are required.
    2. Killing members of other guilds is always justified. You will get no unjust frag or skull.
    3. While you are a member of a guild, and you kill a random player without guild you will get an
    unjustified frag.
    4. You can join a guild only once, after that you can't leave / switch.

    Obtaining Experience Points:
    1. If you are level 100, and you kill a lvl 90 - you will gain 1% of the total experience from the lvl
    90. If you are level 100 and you kill a lvl 89 - you will get no experience at all.
    2. You will gain 1% of the total experience from your target. To gain experience the target
    cannot be 10% lower than your current lvl.
    Note: This rule is only applied in case of killing a player with lower level than you actually are.
    For example: you are level 50 and you kill a level 100 member of another guild you will always
    gain experience.

    Obtaining Mastery Points:

    -Killing enemy guild members while in guild : +4 MP
    -Killing guild members while not in a guild : +1 MP
    -Getting killed by an enemy guild member while in a guild: -2 MP
    -Getting killed by an enemy guild member while not a guild: -1 MP
    -Getting killed by a non guild member while in a guild: -1 MP
    -Getting killed by a non guild member while not in a guild: -1 MP
    -Chest reward after killing nexus + 30 MP

    Changes : 
    -Removed OP endgame items shop 
    -Old party system ( no different vocations required for exp bonus ) 
    -Obtaining mastery points only via PvP / Diamond Nexus event 
    -Hermes Attack Speed gems has been limited up to 3 uses per weapon 

    Good luck, and let the Battle of Nexus Start!!